Friday, January 29, 2010

Does Orajel Tooth Desensitizer Work I Am Having Severe Tooth Pain. Im Not Sure What It Is From, But It Has Been Bothering Me For About 4 Days Now.?

I am having severe tooth pain. Im not sure what it is from, but it has been bothering me for about 4 days now.? - does orajel tooth desensitizer work

Well, that's one of my molars back is killing me. I had a cavity before, but it is complete. People who never dental problems, so I'm not really sure what happened. There seems to be swelling around the tooth, but the pain is unbearable.

Volume Vicodin to another question, and without even touching on the pain. I can not see a dentist for a few days because I have no dental insurance at the moment.

I have tried Orajel tooth desensitizer without relief. Is there anything I could, until you go to the dentist in a few days? I've never had a toothache, and I'm not sure what to do!

Thanks in advance!


Anonymous said...

As the previous person said, if you is much more than the pain and the Vicodin does not even touch it, you probably need a root canal. Is the cave was large, the decline probably had entered the nerve (or similar), and finally the type of symptoms will occur to you. If you have a root canal is, the nerve is removed, the pain.

As for what to do with pain, you can try taking ibuprofen, but if the Vicodin does not help, I do not know how many drug cons aid.

You really need to get this treatment, not because the pain will disappear by itself. Or, if you will be back soon.

If you can not have dental insurance, try calling everyone in the vicinity of the school or see if there are clinical dental public health in your area (you can call your local health or state hospitals) must know everything.

If all else fails, you can try to call every dentist in the area. Many have seen that for a discount, even without insurance, especially if you have pain!

Anonymous said...

Try taking some paracetamol for pain ... depending on the severity of the pain is sometimes nothing works, just go to the dentist.
Also use warm compresses.
adivce is best to call around and find another dentist who you shortly. Wait a few days can cause the teeth and the pain is much worse.
In terms of dental insurance if you have a dentist now pay in advance or a payment plan request, the subsequent appeal.
Dolores teeth may be viewed immediately to avoid the problems of rising costs

Anonymous said...

As the previous person said, if you is much more than the pain and the Vicodin does not even touch it, you probably need a root canal. Is the cave was large, the decline probably had entered the nerve (or similar), and finally the type of symptoms will occur to you. If you have a root canal is, the nerve is removed, the pain.

As for what to do with pain, you can try taking ibuprofen, but if the Vicodin does not help, I do not know how many drug cons aid.

You really need to get this treatment, not because the pain will disappear by itself. Or, if you will be back soon.

If you can not have dental insurance, try calling everyone in the vicinity of the school or see if there are clinical dental public health in your area (you can call your local health or state hospitals) must know everything.

If all else fails, you can try to call every dentist in the area. Many have seen that for a discount, even without insurance, especially if you have pain!

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