Friday, January 22, 2010

Buy Light Bulbs Where Do You Buy The Light Bulbs That Give You Light For The Benefit Of Seasonal Depression?

Where do you buy the light bulbs that give you light for the benefit of seasonal depression? - buy light bulbs

And what are these costs to a different type of lamp in comparison?


Edward said...

Donna \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ u0026lt;> \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ u0026lt;,
The treatment of Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) with light therapy requires wide spectrum fluorescent tubes. They are usually 40WATT, 48 "standard fluorescent lamps (one or two bulbs per unit). The brand name "Daylight" and "Ultra-Bright" are two that I remember, but there are others. Sylvania and Phillips are manufacturers. Home Depot, Loewe, store bulbs have.

The treatment of SAD with light on the promotion of the pineal gland is based, including the cerebral cortex and is located behind the eyes. Visual stimuli from the activation of the optic nerve of the pineal gland to produce hormones that affect the circadian rhythm (cycle of sleep / wakefulness). The "quality" of light is important that the pineal gland is not entirely driven by narrow spectrum light (light bulbs, fluorescent lamps with standard halogen lamps). There seems to be "white" but it is done essentially by the blue of the red, but it lacks the high-end blue-violet and violet "light of the pNeeds of the gland and perineum is richly found in natural sunlight. The same problem exists for the people in most areas, widths, because natural light filtered through the atmosphere at a shallow angle loses more blue-violet spectrum, the component, especially during the winter. "Daylight, etc." are specifically designed for fluorescent lamps to simulate sunlight, directly from nature, the highest range of the light that is lacking in standard light.

If you are brand names that are ensured in addition to the above, only to discover that they should be "broad spectrum", referring to the light bulb and the ability to see small print, a note that says something like spectral 6500 (with a very "0, as in the temperature of the processor is not the symbol on the right, but you know what I mean). 6500 and before 7100 that may be what you want and do not worry, it has nothing do with the temperature is a measure of visible light.

I had years ago when I was in service, and had left in my home country sunny/365 in San Diego. The winter fog fog just nailed me. I read an article in the magazine OMNI suggested that 30-60 minutes after exposure (4 to 8 feet away, reading or other) every morning (not in the quartering of sleep) with four 40-watt bulbs in two games. I tell you I am a scientist (I can not tell me? Not prove) soft And Hocus-pocus nonsense, but the material is well documented, so I tried it and really works! Took a few days, but it is very important that after. More in the winter for three winters. Oh yes, I think, two would probably be okay. Place directly over into other aircraft and stored purchase standard accessories and food in a store if it is not in use. Two work lamp bulb should be about $ 10 - $ 15 each. 40WATT and onions should be ch to about $ 5 - $ 10.

Much more information than you need, I'm sure. Hope this helps. Good luck!

Faith In God said...

I know that Wal-Mart sells light bulbs.
I do not know how much they cost.
But we can not let the cost of our health.

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