Saturday, January 9, 2010

Hearing Loss Causes More Condition_symptoms How Long Can One With An Ear-infection Before It Causes Hearing Loss?

How long can one with an ear-infection before it causes hearing loss? - hearing loss causes more condition_symptoms

Hearing loss is permanent?


jennyf said...

This is not really a problem with a direct interest, and the answer is not simple. Ear infections can be caused by bacteria and viruses (including mushrooms, but I will) at two different focus.

Viruses cause most ear infections. These are not usually associated with pus. The eardrum is red, very unpleasant and may have fluid behind the battery. This water retention can cause some hearing damage, but should not be a permanent condition. There is no treatment for these infections ... only paracetamol or ibuprofen for discomfort and time. It is possible that the ear drum to rupture during a viral infection, but not very often. In this case, the patient is usually a rapid relief of pain and may have had a hearing loss, but generally low and not modified.

Bacterial infections, including ear redness, pain in the eardrum and can be associated with pus, but not always. After the medical evidence that antibiotics should not be used immediately, address the most bacterial infections because of the ear. However,Every child with an ear infection should be suspected by a doctor so he can evaluate the tympanic membrane, and ensure an adequate follow-up, and antibiotics if necessary (for example, if the infection does not disappear in 48 hours). Pus behind the eardrum may also cause some degree of hearing loss, although it must be temporary. In addition, the drum may rupture as a viral infection.

Dauerhaften hearing loss is usually only a problem if the patient has multiple ear infections, leading to a scarring of the tympanic membrane (eardrum). In this case, the scar tissue prevents the drum vibrate well. An ear infection would be unusual to cause hearing damage, but may in the long run lead in the fluid behind the eardrum, the hearing can be reduced. If this becomes a problem, or if you or your child is suspected of hearing loss, you should consult a doctor. Good luck!

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