Thursday, January 14, 2010

Chemotherapy Infection Natural Methods To Counter Side Effects Of Chemotherapy?

Natural methods to counter side effects of chemotherapy? - chemotherapy infection

I am undergoing chemotherapy for colon cancer. the tumor removed alongwith the spleen. Can anyone suggest methods so as not to interfere with the side effects of chemotherapy counter with chemotherapy and also increase my immunity for FOLFOX booty i dont infections.I hours in advance.


Shrichand Nahar said...

There are natural ways to fight the side effects of chemotherapy, some of them:

1 Drink lots of water.
2 A bad taste mouthfuls of chemotherapy, so small, frequent mixture of lemon juice and ginger.
3 Go not, especially in crowds.
4 You Take a walk in the morning.
5 Do pranayama, yoga and meditation for over an hour in the early morning and evening (two hours) before dinner.
6 Essen very simple, like chapati, vegetables, rice, dal, fresh buttermilk, and of course sweets.
7 Do you have your meals at the appropriate time - food in the morning at 11 clock and dinner at 6.30-7 Clock.
8 Essen you only if they are hungry.
9 meals and snacks should be taken in small quantities.
10 If you drink milk, drink only milk.
Avoid all use of 11 organic products and without genetic manipulation, that Jersey cow milk and Dals unpolished rice, hybrid seeds, etc.

inverse_... said...

You should ask your oncologist or dietitian at the hospital.

Do not listen to a professional healer charlatan. They know nothing of the chemotherapy and the interactions between the economy and the medicines you take.

The "natural" things that I have used ginger and peppermint Altoids is because both are herbal anti-nausea. But "toid are so strong, I'm not the pleasure. Although I loved before chemotherapy. Oh well.

inverse_... said...

You should ask your oncologist or dietitian at the hospital.

Do not listen to a professional healer charlatan. They know nothing of the chemotherapy and the interactions between the economy and the medicines you take.

The "natural" things that I have used ginger and peppermint Altoids is because both are herbal anti-nausea. But "toid are so strong, I'm not the pleasure. Although I loved before chemotherapy. Oh well.

Harish Jharia said...

better ask your doctor ...

theorigi... said...

Ginger is good for the body and helps the nausea. Cinnamon may also help with nausea. The best thing to do is ask your oncologist if it supplemented in order to take first. The mine has said they are good, but others do not, and could it be otherwise, because if the type of cancer. I also take zinc and vitamin C to protect me and a good multi-vitamin.

Anonymous said...

I found nothing. I thought the boat, but I do not know anyone here who does that, and my parents ?????? I would not be happy. I have many different things, but not much work. If I can, sleep is the best. But when I sleep, I can not ... I like laying in the bathtub, the shower, if I have nausea and pain, but that only lasts as long as hot water. Have you ever tried marijuana tablets? I do not know what they're called, but I read that the work with some people. I do not know what it takes or has taken. It changes each time it appears. I look forward to better.Oh feeling that my mother has to save things in a natural foods. One kind of tea. Hot tea. Things very unpleasant, but sometimes works for me.

Vate said...

Alcohol Dashamoolarista and ashwagnadharista, a tablespoon per day. Otherwise, take MUlbeery India is also useful.

Michael V said...

I suggest you consult a natural health as a naturopathic doctor, a professional Chinese medicine, etc.
There are complementary treatments of nutrients and herbs to reduce the side effects of chemotherapy. Acupuncture may also help to rejuvenate the body and strengthen it.
Get Well Soon.

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