Monday, December 7, 2009

Sailboat Food Provision List A Sailboat Navigation Question?

A sailboat navigation question? - sailboat food provision list

If my stock Bluewater sailboat with a manufacturer of water and food stores (eg, 6 months worth) and sailing with only a compass and the knowledge that the sun rises in the east and sets in the West .. Would he never again, is it possible to go it alone and lost and lots of fun and adventure are on the way?


link said...

. Suggest become aware of weather and sea conditions, waves of red and shallow waters. and pirates. speaks quickly sirens, mermaids, sea monsters, and gout. Good luck and I'm serious!

Johan from Sweden said...

Try to start a chart and a GPS Navigator. It helps to have a school of navigation, so that they can read the signs when approaching the harbor. As for your question: Depends where to begin, of course. If you could find it soon became a great sea preatty country, but if you start in the middle of the Pacific every month! Johan

fizz said...

It depends on which part are the - you of the sea in the vicinity?

hyman_g_... said...

Ferdinand Magellan proved provided.

I'm sure you had a good time .. until his death.

Bushit said...

Chating see nice, do not pull

Mr Mills said...

Dear ............... My husband and I spent many happy years ocean racing, but I doubt we would have gone far without a decent graphics.

Some projects have separate nuts, but many, many others ended in disaster. For example, I have personally experienced more storms Surfing Alard Coles has done in his life - I think it is a testament to the fact that changes in global storms now produce more per year than say, 60 - Be careful - the sea is a dangerous place for the unwary.

But good luck if you go!

Dorothy Mills (Mrs)

science teacher said...

Age and share research to see what they have never been there. Today we are sailing in many places. Cruise ships are likely to see the world, but for action to the date and the current flood of books, and GPS. As the sun rises in the east and west, exactly. and varies with the distance north or south you are and what day of the year. As someone said, you need lots of room for food.We 6 months to people who sailed around the world and people come from Atlantic City and never came back to take. Take a course in navigation, the navigation tools that we have and then have fun.

Bob G said...

Yes, you look back to earth. Perhaps in the vicinity of each.

And yes, I dare. The adventures are things that people who are not willing to pass to deal with them. You are currently known to occur, such as anxiety and panic. If you are ready to be experience.

The good Lord looks after fools and madmen, but the sea is cruel and pitiless. Make your trip. I tell you stories about their grandchildren hole. But for the love of God and (his own mind, or at least those who love you), otherwise your life will be, please prepare yourself better than you describe.

Yes, Magellan around the world with nothing more than the astrolabe and compass. There was nothing better. Yes, even today some of the Marshall Islands Browse through the reading of the form of waves. When push comes to shove, they broke with the GPS.

Do you have with the sea, with views of the most overlooked strength of the earth. Please do not are penalized with the technologyAvailable.

Bob G said...

Yes, you look back to earth. Perhaps in the vicinity of each.

And yes, I dare. The adventures are things that people who are not willing to pass to deal with them. You are currently known to occur, such as anxiety and panic. If you are ready to be experience.

The good Lord looks after fools and madmen, but the sea is cruel and pitiless. Make your trip. I tell you stories about their grandchildren hole. But for the love of God and (his own mind, or at least those who love you), otherwise your life will be, please prepare yourself better than you describe.

Yes, Magellan around the world with nothing more than the astrolabe and compass. There was nothing better. Yes, even today some of the Marshall Islands Browse through the reading of the form of waves. When push comes to shove, they broke with the GPS.

Do you have with the sea, with views of the most overlooked strength of the earth. Please do not are penalized with the technologyAvailable.

Rusty said...

Six months provisions would require a boat big enough.
However, a compass and a basic understanding of the sun and stars were all sailors were hundreds of years.
Many of them died at sea
Most had fun and adventure.

RC Hudson said...

PLEASE!, I have found in his will

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